Remembering the YWAM/New Life Church shooting: Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2007

YWAM - Tiffany Johnson, 26 & Philip Crouse, 24 New Life - Stephanie Works, 18 & Rachel Works, 16 A home school shooting... Editors Note: This one is stretching the definition of a school shooting or mass shooting I do admit. I have several reasons for including it in the research, first being that the shooter at one time attended the youth mission center he targeted first but he was expelled for saying that he heard voices and playing scary music such as Marilyn Manson. So, in a way Youth With a Mission was his school. This was also a church shooting, but a church that had played a big role in his education too. This one doesn't usually qualify as a mass shooting, because it didn't become one. Given the fact he had 1000 rounds of ammunition in his possession at the time he very well intended it to be. In this case, an armed security officer was there to stop him when he walked in the door and the killing stopped. So, though it is a stretch, it ...