Remembering The Texas Tower Shooting: University of Texas, Austin, Texas 1966

LIFE Magazine August, 12 1966 Remembering the victims Date: August 1 Year: 1966 (Date format only allows pre-dating to 1970) School: University of Texas Location: Austin State: Texas Wounded: 31 Fatalities: 17 Including 1 unborn child, and 1 victim who died 35 years later from injuries sustained that day. With about 1.2 million total deaths in all wars, and approximately 1.4 million firearm deaths since 1966 more Americans have died by guns than in every single American war combined. (source) Time lapsed: 96 Minutes Police response time: Approx 20 Minutes, 76 minutes to neutralize shooter. How ended: Law enforcement and a deputized civilian were able to ambush the shooter and kill him. Location of victims of Texas Tower shooting Source: Encyclopedia Britannica Civilians involved: Yes. Most of the casualties were in the 20 minutes before armed civilians and police arrived to hold the shooter off. A deputized civilian distracted the s...